Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cutest Crib Mobile


Hello I am happy to say that I finally go my bird mobile pictures done! My husband and I went to the beach to take some pictures but I really wasn't thinking it through. The beach is really windy lol! So needless to say I didn't really get the type of pictures I was wanting. It was still nice getting to go out there though.
These are a couple that I took at my house. I had to put some of them in black and white because you couldn't see the cotton thread. I like the second black and white one. There is something kind of abstract about it. 

 I hope that people respond well to the mobiles! They are so cute in person. I can't wait to get some orders and make them in different fabrics. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trying to Generate Business

I recently ordered business cards and I have been to scared to do anything with them. Every time I am out and see a baby I think, man I should go up to them just say hi and give them my business card, maybe start small talk. When I was a waitress I was so good at starting small talk. I don't know what I have been scared of.

Well today I decided to go door to door and give them out. Sounds extreme but hey I thought that it might be good for people to get to see the items in person. First door the girl was so nice. She said that my stuff was cute and that she would give my card to her friend that is pregnant. First down not so bad, even though my voice was shaky. Second door, older man answers. I start with my spiel about how I just opened an online baby shop and gave him my business card. He replies I don't have any babys, me- grandkids? Yes he does. Well I walk away and hear the people inside laughing. So second door=flop. Couple doors down I find the nicest lady. She said that it was a great way to get my name out there and good luck. She also asked me if I went to a certain house because they had just had a baby. How sweet giving me a heads up. The last house that I went to had a baby outside and little kids riding their skateboards. I talked to the mom and as I was leaving one of the little boys gets my attention and goes, just a heads up the next two houses don't have babies. Why can't all people be that nice?

Well I didn't go to as many houses I should have, but it is really hot outside and I have some cleaning to do. Hopefully something comes out of my efforts.

Today might have been a little stressful but tomorrow will be better. I'm going to go to the beach and take pictures of the crib mobile I made. I cannot wait. It is sooo cute. Hopefully the wind isn't blowing to much and I can get some good pictures. Plus I will make any reason to go to the beach.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Would love comments, advise or just any thoughts you might have!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fun Photo Shoot Of My Baby Items

 The Bib that I made. 
Soft Baby Burp Cloth. Fits perfect on my shoulder.  
 Posing with the Baby Blanket. 
Hope you can read my hand writting.  

 Gift Set!
Just messing around.  
And again messing around. My husband was
taking my pictures and he told me to strike 
a pose. So this is what I came up with lol

Well I took some new pictures of my baby items. I thought that I needed to make mine look different. Stand out. I live right on the beach so what better place to take pictures. I had posted on a forum asking what people thought. Some said they loved them and that they were beautiful. Others said that they didn't get the connection between the beach and baby items. They said that I needed a crib or a baby. Well I have neither of those at my disposal. I live in California because my husband is in the military, all of my family that has babies are in Arkansas. So that doesn't work in my favor. It's not like I can go up to someone and say "Hey, your baby is so cute! Can I borrow it?" lol That wouldn't work either. So I hope that people just see a pretty picture and want to look at it! 

I have such a great product and am just waiting patiently on those first customers. I'm sure it would be scary for someone to buy something from a shop that has no feedback. I also understand that today is Christmas and people do not buy at the end of December. 

I bought three new types of fabric. I can't wait to get them and to make more items. I bought a cute boy one with little deer and foxes on it. A colorful one, Im hoping that people respond well to it. It is defiantly a different type of fabric pattern. I also bought an Oklahoma University one for my sister. Her friend is having a baby and she wants me to make it for her baby shower. Im really excited. I know that she will love it.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Another Blanket Made

Hello! Another blanket made. Two of my husbands friends wives are pregnant and he wanted me to make them baby blankets. I have one done but I still need to get fabric for the second one. I got the materials at Joann's the other day! I was so excited to go. In the car my husband told me that he didn't want to be in there to long but of course I didn't hear him. I was already dream shopping and thinking about all the things I could buy and look at lol. I still have to add a white flower to it but I think it turned out pretty good. I love the pink minky fabric that I got. It's so soft! I'm sure that her baby's going to love it to. It will defiantly keep her warm.  

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just A Little Fun DIY Necklace

Business Cards

I am so excited to have ordered my business cards. They should be getting here tomorrow! I think they're super cute. Now all I have to do is make some more blankets and I have decided to make a couple different baby products. Some baby bibs and crib mobiles. My husband and I went tonight and got minky material from the fabric store! It's light pink and fuzzy. Will go perfect with the flower fabric I got the other day. Now I just have to get through tonight and I will have all day tomorrow to do what I love, sew! I will defiantly be posting pictures along the way.

DIY Necklace

These are the pictures of the necklace I made to go along with the bracelet for my sister. I think it turned out pretty good. I was a little sceptical making it because I've never done anything like it. I guess if your having fun then it doesn't really matter though. All I did was cut out a strip of fabric from the same shirt that I used for her bracelet. I made a rose flower with the part of the shirt that had beads on it, just for a little texture. Instead of sewing the fabric together I used a hot glue gun. Those things are genius! Then I took two strands of beading wire I had in my craft pile and made knots to join them. Once again used the hot glue gun to connect them! There ya go a DIY project great for a gift!

Monday, December 12, 2011

DiY Christmas Gifts

Well this years Christmas is defiantly different than the others. With me quitting my job and no blankets sold yet we are relying on just one income. Which is better than nothing! Im grateful that we have that money coming in. Im sure there are several other people in the same boat or way worse.

So needless to say, I am doing DIY gifts this year from things that I just have laying around the house. For my sister I'm made a bracelet and necklace. They are so CUTE! I just took an old shirt that I don't wear anymore cut it up, and some craft wire that I had in the junk drawer.

These are step by step pictures of the bracelet that I made her. I thought it came out so good. I was trying to recreate a bracelet I got from Macys. It turned out pretty exact! I hope that she likes it.

Tomorrow I will post pictures of the necklace I made. Oh & I cannot wait for my fabric to come in so I can start making the baby blankets! My business cards should also be coming in soon!!! yippy!!!
Go there to check out my shop!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Just The Beginning

I am a military wife that loves anything that has to do with crafts. 

I recently quit a waitress job that I absolutely hated. I felt stuck, helpless, and unappreciated. I know my worth and my talent and they weren't getting put to good use. Not to mention I just was not happy. I would come home every day and just be so stressed out. Being called hey lady and you over there wasn't what I would call fun. So I have decided to make a change. People say that if you're doing what you love then it's not work. Well that is what I'm trying to do.

I love sewing and seeing something come from practically nothing. I recently opened an Etsy shop called Comfy Cozy Baby. It has been a little harder than I thought. Getting my name out, setting everything up, and just letting people know how great my baby blankets are.

You can go there and pretty much design your own baby blanket. You can choose from different fabrics and add flowers to them if you want. I've made a couple sample blankets and have more fabric being shipped right now! I cannot wait till I can get started and post more pictures.
Fabrics I'm Getting For My Sample Blankets:

I have no sales yet, which is a little discouraging, but I know that I'm going to be successful! I mean I would buy my blanket if I saw it and got to customize it. It's a pretty good size blanket for a baby, made out of cotton so it can be washed multiple times without wearing (the fuzzy blankets start feeling weird after awhile), and I put extra fabric in the middle so they are super warm. Did I mention the flowers!? You can have me add removable flowers to it if you want. My personal favorite is the big white rose. It's just so cute!

Well I guess that's all for now! Going to shoguns with the hubby. Here is the link to my Etsy shop and I would love to hear feedback!
